
What Are Challenges in Maintaining Brand Awareness During a Rebranding Process?

What Are Challenges in Maintaining Brand Awareness During a Rebranding Process?

Rebranding can be a complex maze for marketing and branding professionals, with challenges ranging from maintaining brand awareness to engaging stakeholders in the journey. We've gathered insights from Marketing Managers to CEOs, distilling their experiences into thirteen actionable strategies. Discover how these experts tackle issues from establishing a unique brand identity to setting clear goals for a successful rebrand.

  • Establishing a Unique Brand Identity
  • Regaining Trust After Rebranding
  • Maintaining Customer Loyalty During Rebrand
  • Engaging Customers in the Rebrand Journey
  • Implementing a Strategic Rebranding Approach
  • Transparent Communication with Existing Clients
  • Rekindling Brand Desire Through Refresh
  • Navigating Brand Awareness and Cultural Patronage
  • Creating Customer Loyalty Through Rebranding
  • Positioning Construction as a Luxury Brand
  • Engaging Customers in the Rebrand Process
  • Balancing Brand Development Internally and Externally
  • Setting Clear Goals for Successful Rebranding

Establishing a Unique Brand Identity

One of the most significant challenges marketers face is establishing a unique identity within their space. Rebranding, often undertaken as a business scales and reaches new, larger audiences, introduces the challenge of distinguishing the brand amidst broader competition. The most effective way to overcome this is through a brand-strategy workshop, where you delve into your mission and vision to finalize the 'why' of your business, and then construct the new brand guidelines around it. It's important to remember that rebranding isn't merely for updating your logo, colors, and website. It's an investment that will influence your brand's positioning for the next phase of growth.

Nikhil PrasadMarketing Manager, Fello

Regaining Trust After Rebranding

Rebranding is tricky because you have to change your identity and regain trust. We worked on rebranding our site, Zennaxx, and we almost lost CTR and traffic. It takes time for a fresh brand identity to gain recognition, and there may be a temporary drop in brand recognition during the transition. A good redesign can be costly, especially if it requires a significant revamp of marketing materials and brand features.

You need to work hard on SEO and leverage existing users by pushing the branding within the ACME Search platform. It requires a lot of patience to regain the same trust.

krupa trivedi
krupa trivedimarketing manager, Zennaxx

Maintaining Customer Loyalty During Rebrand

One challenge is ensuring not to alienate our customer base during a rebrand, which heavily depends on whether it's an evolutionary or revolutionary change. For an evolutionary rebrand, we focus on gradually introducing updates while preserving key brand elements that our customers trust. For a revolutionary rebrand, we emphasize strong communication about the reasons and benefits behind the dramatic changes, helping customers transition smoothly with us. Each strategy is tailored to maintain continuity and customer loyalty.

Steven Picanza
Steven PicanzaCo Founder, ANEWBrand

Engaging Customers in the Rebrand Journey

I work primarily with small businesses, and to be frank, usually one of the reasons we are pursuing a rebrand is because the existing brand isn't doing them any favors from a brand-awareness standpoint. With the exception of large companies with strong brand awareness, most businesses can avoid confusion among their existing customers and audience by taking the time to share some of the rebranding process in the lead-up to the official launch. Rather than simply announcing and implementing a new brand from one day to the next, share parts of the reasoning, inspiration, and updates along the way. By talking about the change more than once across email or social media, you increase your odds of informing those that need to know before they stumble upon it themselves and wonder what happened. This approach generates excitement and anticipation for the new brand and increases brand loyalty by inviting those who already love your company along for the journey.

Susana Boey
Susana BoeyBrand Strategist, Creative Director & Founder, Susana Boey Creative

Implementing a Strategic Rebranding Approach

I've dealt with the hurdles of maintaining brand awareness while going through a rebranding process, especially in the cybersecurity industry. One major challenge we faced was making sure our messaging stayed consistent and clear across different channels and regions, considering we have a presence in both the US and India.

To tackle the rebranding challenges, we implemented a strategic and phased approach:

1. Thorough Internal Alignment: We kicked off the rebranding process by ensuring all departments were on the same page. This meant clearly explaining why we were rebranding, what changes to expect, and how it ties into our business goals. Involving the relevant stakeholders from the start helped us gain their support and maintain consistent messaging both internally and externally.

2. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding our customers' needs, preferences, and perspectives was a priority. We conducted surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gain valuable insights that informed our rebranding strategy. By making sure our rebrand resonated with our target audience and addressed their pain points, we minimized the risk of confusion and disengagement.

3. Localized Marketing Efforts: With a presence in both the US and India, we customized our marketing efforts to cater to each region's specific needs and cultural nuances. This meant adapting our messaging, visuals, and channels to ensure relevance and connect with local audiences. By acknowledging regional differences, we maintained brand consistency while maximizing impact.

4. Multi-Channel Communication: We utilized a variety of communication channels to amplify our rebranding efforts. This included traditional channels like press releases, industry publications, and events, as well as digital channels such as social media, email marketing, and targeted online advertising. By having a consistent presence across multiple touchpoints, we increased brand exposure and engagement.

5. Transparent and Timely Communication: Throughout the rebranding process, we made it a priority to communicate transparently and promptly with our stakeholders, including customers, partners, and the media. We proactively addressed any questions or concerns, keeping everyone updated on the progress and implications of the rebrand. This built trust and reduced the likelihood of confusion or negative feedback.

By taking a comprehensive approach that focused on the above.

Sanket Wagh
Sanket WaghSr. Marketing Manager, Sequretek

Transparent Communication with Existing Clients

In rebranding, one significant challenge was maintaining brand awareness and loyalty among our existing client base while appealing to our newly-defined target market. To overcome this, we implemented a multifaceted strategy centered on transparent communication. We utilized our existing digital platforms and social media channels to share the story behind our rebrand, including the reasons for the change and how it reflected our evolving mission to serve our clients better. We also launched a targeted marketing campaign that leveraged data analytics to understand and address our new target demographic's specific needs and preferences without alienating our current clients. This approach helped retain our loyal clients and played a crucial role in successfully attracting new clients who identified with our brand's new direction.

Dshanya Reese
Dshanya ReeseBrand Marketing Manager, Watkins Insurance Group

Rekindling Brand Desire Through Refresh

The question is really, how do you rekindle brand desire? Any brand that's lucky enough to enjoy longevity will, from time to time, face the winds of change. So, refresh or rebrand? A refresh aims to breathe new life into the brand's identity and messaging. The brand's positioning and values are maintained, just reinterpreted.

A rebrand, on the other hand, is a more drastic measure—a complete overhaul. At Insurgents, we are not big advocates of rebranding. We've seen far too many companies do it for all the wrong reasons. Stakeholders become bored with the brand or start chasing shiny objects—a new trend, a new audience, or a new CMO looks to make their mark. Those in charge wind up throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The brand is barely recognizable. The recent Victoria's Secret rebrand is a perfect example. The result is a loss of integrity, authenticity, and credibility with the audience they hope to capture. Instead, we look at what made the brand great in the first place and find ways to reinvigorate those beliefs so that a business is modernized rather than jeopardized.

Robin Albin
Robin AlbinFounder, Brand Strategist & Sherpa, Insurgents

Navigating Brand Awareness and Cultural Patronage

We've recently been leading clients through a rebranding strategy and process, which involves navigating existing brand awareness while also promoting cultural patronage. This has presented several challenges:

Firstly, ensuring that the rebrand resonated with both existing customers and potential new ones has been no easy feat. Attracting fresh enthusiasm while maintaining loyalty requires a delicate balance.

Effective communication is crucial. We approach this like conducting an orchestra, creating a clear strategy and game plan, and maintaining transparent communication with stakeholders, employees, and users. Failure to do so risks causing confusion, misunderstandings, and discordance.

Timing was another critical aspect. The planned phased rollout of the rebrand was shared with stakeholders in all departments to ensure all elements were aligned. There's always the risk that the new brand identity will not resonate with audiences, potentially leading to a loss of trust or support. We approached this with empathy and understanding to foster connection.

In the rapidly changing cultural landscape, staying attuned to emerging trends and competitors is also essential. We needed to meet people where they were to ensure the rebrand remained relevant and resonant.

Internally, engaging employees was also key. They are the frontline ambassadors of the brand, so we made sure to involve them in the rebranding process. This ensured they not only understood but also embodied the new brand identity, enabling them to effectively communicate the message.

Successfully addressing these challenges requires meticulous planning, really effective communication, and an exceptionally deep understanding of both the brand and the audience to build trust, connection, and intrigue.

Catherine Hudon
Catherine HudonCEO, We Are Shorty

Creating Customer Loyalty Through Rebranding

Communication, consistency, and customer perception are key during a rebranding process. I once had a client who wanted a completely different brand identity. We worked together to engage customers, share the 'why' behind it, and create excitement around the unveiling in a meaningful way. Communicating with a consistent tone of voice and brand personality was key to the campaign's success. It allowed our customers to effectively share the journey, which in turn created more brand loyalty.

Erin BarlowSenior Marketing and Brand Strategist

Positioning Construction as a Luxury Brand

When I was first brought on, I was presented with a unique challenge: how do we position a construction firm as a luxury brand? Construction is an industry that is notorious for having low emotional intelligence, and the firm I was now weaving a narrative for had already begun their branding process. When I first began my work, I recognized that we had to really hone in on who our clients were and cater our messaging toward them. This meant leaving behind some of our former audience, which meant decreased reach for a time; but once our new messaging strategy caught on, we saw incredible results. Our biggest win has been engaging with the clients that we want to work with, rather than a more en masse approach and trying to reach everyone.

Avery Vogelzang
Avery VogelzangBrand Strategist, Vitruvius Design+Build

Engaging Customers in the Rebrand Process

One significant challenge in maintaining brand awareness during a rebrand is keeping the existing customer base engaged. To address this, clear and continuous communication about the reasons and benefits of the rebrand is crucial. Engaging customers through surveys and feedback sessions can help integrate their insights, fostering a sense of involvement and loyalty. Additionally, maintaining the brand's core values and mission reassures customers that the essence of the brand remains unchanged, smoothing the transition.

Aayushi Ratan
Aayushi RatanBrand head and Creative strategist, HUEMN

Balancing Brand Development Internally and Externally

This is a fantastic question, as it identifies a larger issue we discuss with clients: How do you work ON your brand while working IN your brand? Managing both expectations and reputation as you embark on working in both is challenging, but it can be successful with the right focus and intentions. We guide and support our clients with this by engaging with marketing staff that are working on externally-facing marketing tools throughout our rebranding work. Giving them clear messaging to inform, excite, and include brand fans and followers of the changes coming, reasons for the changes, and what more they can expect once the brand refresh has been completed. This can include better brand experiences for the community, more ways to engage with the brand, and more opportunities to buy from and promote their favorite brand. Communication and intentionality in that communication will be key in guiding clients through this journey, as it can take months to years, depending on the size of the client.

Anne Gillaspie
Anne GillaspieAgency Owner, Fix & Form | Strategic Branding Agency

Setting Clear Goals for Successful Rebranding

Resonating with the existing audience while increasing market penetration can be a tricky process. It's important to set clear goals for the rebrand in order to set the tone and create a clear pathway to a successful transition. This can be accomplished by striking a balance between internal expectations and those of your desired audience. Engage in clear communication and consistent messaging when introducing new branding elements or making company changes. Build trust through authentic audience engagement and seek feedback from the stakeholders who matter most: your community and your customers. Remain consistent with methods like a phased rollout, for example, making sure your goals and efforts are aligned to avoid mistakes that can be detrimental and costly.

Melissa Nyarko
Melissa NyarkoSenior Brand Manager, Live Nation

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